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Urologist - Andrologist
at Promenadeplatz

  • Promenadeplatz 10 | 80333 München
    Gartenhaus 1. Stock
    (Eingang neben dem Hotel "Bayrischer Hof")
  • 089 23 70 89 0
  • 089 23 70 89 23
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Practice hours

Consultations by appointment
 Mo: 8:00-13:00  14:20-18:00
 Tu: 8:00-13:00 14:20-17:00
 We: 8:00-13:00 14:20-18:00
 Th: 8:00-13:00  14:20-18:00
 Fr: 8:00-13:00  



Urologist - Andrologist at Promenadeplatz in Munich

Dr. Ulrich Pickl, Dr. Ulf Salzmann, Dr. Stefan Schoeler, PD Dr. Matthias Trottmann, Dr. Yasemin Brechenmacher

Alongside classic (conservative and surgical) Urology, which deals with all illnesses of the urinary organs in men and women, our practice specialises in Andrologythe medical care of the male.

This covers specifically male illnesses: infertility, sexual disorders and impotence.
In the practice we also carry out day-patient surgery, such as no-scalpel Vasektomy (vasectomy = male sterilisation, ligation of the spermatic ducts).
A further related component of our practice is sexual medicine, for men and women.

Urologists, andrologists, specialists in male disorders, Munich Promenadeplatz

Another focus

Outpatient operations Urology Munich